Thursday, September 4, 2008

I love this country.

A professor in college once asked me, “What do you like best about this country?” This was a simple question for me to answer and I replied, “I like that I can worship God and I can teach my children to worship God and for the most part I don’t have to worry about persecution.” That statement is just as true today as it was then, however, I have been thinking about another reason I am grateful to live in this country.

We recently had our seventh child and as our family has grown I am increasingly grateful that I live in a country were it is possible for a man to work and earn enough to support himself and eight other people. While I would confess that much of the wealth of this nation and much of my own is wasted on frivolous things, I am nonetheless grateful that I have the honor of being the provider for my home. I have the privilege of being able to provide my wife with a safe home where she can spend her days teaching and loving our kids. I don’t know if there is another country on earth were the life that my wife and I have chosen to live is so easily accessible. So for today my prayer is this:

Jesus, thank you for providing me with a place to live where
I can teach my kids to worship you in the open and without fear.
Thank you for all the resources that you have provided me and my
family. Help me to use those resources for things that last forever and
forgive me for the times that I waste them. You are good. Help
me to be faithful even if all of this should be taken from me.


Duckygirl said...

I'm grateful for those things too. (and thankful that you are willing to work so hard so I can stay home)

Love ya,

Gayle said...

I'm so excited that you've entered blogland. Can't wait for all YOUR poop know I'm kidding right? Keep posting. It's nice to visit Ianopolis.

Anonymous said...

Amen! We truly live in the greatest country:)

Gayle @ thewestiecrew said...

Great post and welcome to the blogosphere!

Kelli said...

We are thankful for these things too. Also thankful for husbands who love and take care of their families. Many today (dads, and moms too)feel little responsiblity toward their families.

Matt N. Lundquist said...

A great reminder - sometimes i look at the house and yard and bikes and cars and kids and toys - even the food in the freezer and pantry - as responsibilities rather than privileges - but as Pastor Larry says "I don't have to, I get to!!" We can always use more gratitude to God and greater expressions of thankfulness. Thank you - keep in touch.